After implementing Damascus steel in my “Katana” model, I was surprised at how musically robust and interactive it is with the woods and strings. This steel really delivers more clarity and reflection. This discovery is what lead to the development of the neck plate. After some extensive field testing, the verdict is that the Damascus… Continue reading Damascus Neck Plates
Category: Blogs & News
Guitars Guitars Guitars! I can’t wait and i need one now.
Well if you’re reading this, you may be looking for one of my guitars. Having me build you a custom guitar can be a rewarding, adventurous journey. But it’s not for everybody. The waiting list grows just as fast as I ship the guitars, and could possibly be a 3 year process. BUT, for the… Continue reading Guitars Guitars Guitars! I can’t wait and i need one now.
Thanks for the Memories
After many months, Scott Walker Guitars has retired the previous site and completed an amazing refresh. Hope you enjoy the new content and look forward to new imagery and content going forward..